Concord Dec 6th 1858

Friend Ricketson,

        Thomas Cholmondeley,
my English acquaintance,
is here, on his way to the
West Indies. He wants to
see New Bedford, a whaling
town. I told him that
I would like to introduce
him to you there, thinking
more of his seeing you than
New Bedford. So we propose
to come your way tomorrow.
Excuse this short notice;
for the time is short. If, on
any account, it is in-
convenient to see us, you
will treat us accordingly.
        Yrs truly
        Henry D. Thoreau

[page break]

[written on back of letter]
Given to Helen Hopekirk Wilson
By Anna Ricketson

Boston Nov 17th 1885

[on envelope]
Daniel Ricketson Esq
        New Bedford

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